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Registration is required during the beta phase to manage traffic effectively and ensure optimal performance. Once the beta phase concludes, PlayinGG will be accessible without the need for registration.
Quality and Quantity
Our goal is to deliver perfect data quality for all Games and Platforms using our custom-built systems to collect and organize data from all sources.

By primarly using first-party data, we can uphold high data standards and minimize dependence on potentially inaccurate third-party sources.
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PlayinGG is your one-stop destination, eliminating the need to browse multiple launchers and key stores.

With Features such as the Gamelist and Notifications, you can easily stay up to date on all games you are interested in.
Prioritizing Users Over Profit
We display all prices transparently, even if we do not earn any profit from the stores.

Our commitment is to provide you with complete and unbiased pricing information, ensuring that you have access to the best deals without any hidden agendas.
More than just Games
We don't just collect Games, but also everything associated to them, including:
Platforms & Launchers
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Videos & Images

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With our expanding social features, we strive to make it as easy as possible to stay connected with your friends.

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