Super Puzzles Dream
6 Games in this Collection
Puzzles move onto the next level with ‘Super Puzzle Dream’, a mix between classic jigsaw and a ‘Tetris’-style dynamic me...
July 22, 2021
#Wish travel, Super Puzzles Dream
PlayStation 5
Puzzles move onto the next level with ‘Super Puzzle Dream’, a mix between classic jigsaw and a ‘Tetris’-style dynamic me...
May 14, 2021
Puzzles move onto the next level with ‘Super Puzzle Dream’, a mix between classic jigsaw and a ‘Tetris’-style dynamic me...
December 31, 2020
#Halloween! is the hashtag for the most terrifying topic! Puzzles move onto the next level with ‘Super Puzzle Dream’, a ...
October 29, 2020
Puzzles move onto the next level with ‘Super Puzzle Dream’, a mix between classic jigsaw and a ‘Tetris’-style dynamic me...
August 28, 2020
#womenUp, Super Puzzles Dream
PlayStation 5
Puzzles move onto the next level with ‘Super Puzzle Dream’, a mix between classic jigsaw and a ‘Tetris’-style dynamic me...
May 30, 2020